The Federal Work-Study program provides part-time employment for students with unmet financial need by allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses while attending college. This program may be comprised of both federal and college funds and is designed to help students who would be unable to pursue or continue their studies unless they earned part of their expenses. Amounts vary depending on funding.
All work-study positions have been filled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Application Instructions:
Next Steps
Turn in the completed application to the Office of Financial Aid either in person or via email at Within a few days, the work-study coordinator will then complete an eligibility review. Students will be communicated with via GTC email. Eligible students are then placed on the availability list from which departments requesting a work-study student will select candidates.
If a student is selected, they will be contacted to undergo an informal interview with the hiring manager. If hired, the financial aid work-study coordinator will then contact the student with a date and time to come to the financial aid office and complete hire paperwork.
Students may not work during regularly scheduled class time and may not begin work prior to completing the new hire paperwork.
The Federal Work-Study program allows students to work a job and earn an hourly rate. The program allows students to work for their earnings and is not a job in which a student is paid to study.
All work-study positions have been filled for the 2024-2025 academic year.